Friday, October 29, 2010

I like girls

That came out wrong.  I really do like girls, but I should clarify.
I don't actually like girls. I love them. These are some pretty special girls we are talking about here.
I am talking about my Bible Study girls.
I should take you back to the beginning.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth....
No, not that far back. Let's try almost 16 years ago.
I was an 18 year old young mother, with no experience or understanding of taking care of a child, or being a wife.  I knew I wanted to raise my children in a godly way, but I did not know how to start.  I could barely take care of myself.
In steps my aunt.  This woman had her own children grown and on their own, and was enjoying life as an empty nester and the company of the love of her life.  But she acted on God's prompting, and wrapped her arms and her heart around my broken self, and took me in. Spiritually, and physically.  She poured countless hours of time and energy into teaching me.  Taking me to the Bible Study she was leading every Thursday, showing me how to clean a home, care for a child, cook, shop, and even laugh.  She taught me the importance of honest to goodness purity. Of mind, spirit, and soul.  I never thought that I would be worth God's affection. I had looked for physical affection for so long, that I felt worthless.  She stuck with me, and even inflicted pain on me to show me the way to godliness.  There were times when the criticism seemed so harsh that she must hate me, but it was to lead to a better Debra.  I struggled to accept the discipline and correction of God, knowing that it was for my good, but hating the agony of knowing I still had so many failures.
In short, Sue spent years developing a trusting relationship with me, and developing a love for God's Word in me.  Everything she said lead back to the Bible (it was SO annoying! And convicting.)
Time has changed the amount of hours we can spend together. But not a day goes by that I don't use something she taught me of life.  She worried over the importance of replacing yourself.  Often saying to me that she wanted the life she lives to be of value over the long-term.  I'd say she has been pretty successful in that.  She has a daughter who loves God, and is earnestly seeking to know Him. And she has a grateful niece who humbly leads Bible study every Thursday, to an amazing group of women. And who desires above all else, to be the wife, mother and woman that honors God with her life.
The girls I join every week are the girls I love. The ones who challenge me. Encourage me. And hold me accountable to growing in the knowledge of God. And I love a middle aged woman, who shows the love of the Lord on her beautifully wrinkling face.  There is no better beauty than that. I hope to be that beautiful someday.


  1. you have made it more than worth my time. i love you more than you know. Sue

  2. What a wonderful story about your Aunt - what a blessing! Thank you for sharing this encouraging story - I feel the same way about my mother-in-law!

  3. you are blessed and in turn have blessed me.
