Here is a re-post of a blogger I read. I loved her article so much, I asked her permission to re-post it here....
After reading Bonnie's post a few weeks ago about someone criticizing her on Facebook regarding her blog, my mind has been spinning. It's hard for me understand why people level criticism at others. Many times, people criticize others because they feel badly about something in themselves and they project these negative feelings about self onto others. Saying she was a bad mother because she is interested in fashion is a huge leap.
Through the years, I've heard criticism leveled at Christian sisters because they had an interest in fashion. It is automatically assumed that these sisters are worldly and materialistic. Can one not be a Christian and be interested in fashion? Are the two mutually exclusive?
What about Queen Esther in the Bible? She spent a year in "beauty treatments" in preparation to meet the King! A whole year of being at the "spa", in an effort to make herself beautiful.
The virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 was clothed in fine linen and purple.
The Christian woman should follow the principles found in these verses regarding dress:
I Tim. 2:9-10
I Pet. 3:3-4
Rom. 12:2
I Tim. 4:12
I can't find anything written in the Bible that would make interest in fashion wrong unless it included the following:
1. Wearing fashions or trends that are immodest. The world would say "If you got it, flaunt it!" That is not the sentiment of the Christian. Sometimes people confuse modesty with being frumpy or being fashionable. You can be both modest and fashionable.
2. Spending money you don't have on clothing, shoes, jewelry, etc. and going into debt for it (not being a good steward of God's blessings.)
3. Spending too much time on fashion pursuits (shopping, finding sales, reading blogs, reading magazines) making your life out of balance.
4. Spending more time on fashion that on spiritual pursuits.
Why is it we criticize someone whose hobby is fashion, but label virtuous the woman who quilts, or knits or gardens? Aren't we presuming a lot when we think clothes are all she is about?
Many women write blogs about fashion. My blog is about fashion for less, dressing well and modestly without breaking the budget. Hopefully, I can help people find affordable fashion choices or share something they previously did not know about to add to their closet. My blog only shows one dimension of myself. The fact that I take 30 minutes a day to post a photo and write a few words is not indicative of what my life is about. It is simply what this blog is about.
It's easy to sit back and judge others in the blog world. God help us to put the best light on all situations and look for the good in others instead of being quick to criticize!
Therefore, today, I am thankful for those who encourage and not criticize!